Circumnavigating the world through Human Power while connecting different societies, civilizations and landscapes.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Spring 2011 "Action" video screenshots

These shots have been extracted from some of the videos I took this Spring.
I have decided to post these raw non-edited shots after an old friend of mine recently asked me why so far I have only been showing pictures of me on flat land...
So, here it is!
Note: If you double-click on some of the smaller shots, you can see them in larger format.

And yes, with my friends at 1iOpen productions, we are currently editing 2008-2011 material so that we can post a trailer, snippets and a larger product sometime in the short-to-mid-term future.

I am only including here a few of the shots.
To see more of these shots, please click here.

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