Circumnavigating the world through Human Power while connecting different societies, civilizations and landscapes.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dimitri Resumes the Nexus Expedition

To resume the expedition from his last position along the Algan river Dimitri had himself and his sled transported by snowmobile from Vayegi to within 9 miles of his Algan river position. He then towed his sled on foot to his Algan river position and promptly resumed his trek from that position, back tracking the 9 miles and continuing to complete the 37 total miles in to Vayegi, and then on from there. The following are his last transmissions.

11/29: I departed Vayegi Saturday morning at 11:30am with Viktor’s friend. He pulled my sled on a trailer and me sitting on top all the way to N64deg19min and E171deg21min, where I am now. I camp here and plan to go further up the Algan river for about 9 miles where I was picked up at the end of the last section late spring 2008. I have to do these last 9 miles by foot because there was some open water in the river which was to hard to maneuver around with a snowmobile.

Starting position 37 miles northeast of Vayegi on the Algan river, N64deg17min and E171deg21min.

12/1- Day 1: Made it to place where I got picked up last year by Viktor. I am camping here and turning around tomorrow to make my way back to the Mayn river and then on to Vayegi. My exact location is N64deg17min and E171deg21min

12/2- Day 2: I made it back to the place where I was dropped of by snow mobile on Sunday night by Viktor’s friend. I am camping here and will continue tomorrow on the Algan river and then on to the Mayn river towards Vayegi. My exact location is N64deg19min and E171deg21min

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