Circumnavigating the world through Human Power while connecting different societies, civilizations and landscapes.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Dimitri's on the move again...

So Dimitri is going to start moving again. I spoke to him this morning and he seems to be optimistic again.

He is going to travel along the river until he is sure he can not safely do so any longer. I pleaded with him as much as possible to please carry all his life support gear on his back and not in the sled, just in case the river carries it away. The river has apparently gone down which should help his situation.

He had many close calls with is life on saturday as a result of his sled, but for the time being he is not willing to part with it. He is determined to reach the next river where he can most likely have the sled picked up by a boat. He is cutting it very close as far as food rations and his girlfriend's comfort zone are concerned. He was sucked under an ice flow at one point, and then had his sled entangled with a traveling full tree, and then, as if that wasn't enough he got his sled lodged under an ice shelf along a river and in the process of getting it out his only bear spray exploded all over everything he has with him. They say bad things come in three's and i'm seriously hoping there's not a fourth to follow.

He has called off help for the moment, and is going to proceed by foot, towing his sled in the river. I will keep you all posted on any further updates I hear.

Let's keep our prayers strong, I have a feeling he is going to need them.

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