Before I forget... I want to mention that over the last few months, Nexus Expedition has been highlighted/mentioned in a few press related pieces.
The last Russian TV interview was conducted by the local TV channel in Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky in June 2011, prior to my return to the states.
I felt also priviledged to read the vote of confidence I received in Angus Adventure blog, by Colin Angus for whom I have a lot of respect.
Indeed, to this day, the Canadian Colin Angus is with the Briton Jason Lewis, the only TWO persons (to the best of my knowledge!) to have completed a human powered circumnavigation of the planet.
For the "history buffs" amongst you, I have also posted recently an NTV National TV Russian report from April 2005, relating some of the propusk related issues, Karl Bushby and I faced at the time after having crossed the Bering Strait from Alaska and landed in Uelen, Chukotka.
You can also access all the Nexus Expedition related videos in the page called: Expedition videos.
And all "In the news" related articles are listed on the right side of the home Nexus Expedition screen. Just scroll down a a little bit and you will see them appear on the right....

OK, so, I am now back in Moscow for 48 hrs of planning, prior to taking off to Magadan.
Why Moscow?
Well, this is the first year where I have to move "backwards" (going Eastbound, Seattle-Moscow-Magadan-Evensk-Paren) in order to get back to my starting point.
And this is actually a sign of progress!
Well, this is the first year where I have to move "backwards" (going Eastbound, Seattle-Moscow-Magadan-Evensk-Paren) in order to get back to my starting point.
And this is actually a sign of progress!
I am now indeed far enough West of Alaska and Chukotka that it no longer makes sense to travel through these two regions to get to my starting point in Paren where I last stopped in May 2010 and instead it forces me to travel "the long way around the planet" eastbound to get back to my starting point!
So long my Alaskan and Chukotkan friends!
So, besides booking a plane seat to Magadan, I have also been able to secure cargo space with Transaero airlines which is going to allow me to bring 120 kgs of new gear, clothes and food.
For example, I am bringing 8 kgs of shredded US beef jerky which I use to compliment my dehydrated food and provide me with some of the needed proteins to combat cold winter temperatures on the trail to come.
I am bringing about 30 kgs of these prepackaged dehydrated meals which is going to be vital for this spring section, when I would not be able to use traditional russian "traveling" food products such as bread and canned food which obviously freeze and becomes inedible in -40 degrees Celsius/Farenheit.
You can see a complete list of my 2011 and past generous sponsors in the page called: Expedition sponsors.
I have also contacted by phone, my "adoptive" koryak family in Paren, Yura and Olesia, and they have reassured me that my sled is indeed waiting for me in their attic where I last left it on May 31st 2010!
I am also taking with me a few items for Yura and Olesia's family to help them fight their isolation in the remote village of Paren: toys, MP3 music, mobile phone and snowmobile part.
This is my way of thanking them for all the support and hospitality they have provided to me during my 18 days stay in their Paren home!
I am also bringing with me, new sled runners, straps and buckles to repair my badly battered sled and therefore being able to prepare it for its next and hopefully final leg.
I have also taken the opportunity to call to catch up with friends in Anadyr, Vayegi, Slautnoye, Kamenskoye and Manily with whom I will regretably not be able to meet again this spring as I have now moved further West...
I have also taken the opportunity to call to catch up with friends in Anadyr, Vayegi, Slautnoye, Kamenskoye and Manily with whom I will regretably not be able to meet again this spring as I have now moved further West...
Once I get to Magadan, I am planning to meet with my supporting friends at Kulu Safaris, who have been kind enough to store and transport in the region some of my food/fuel and gear over the last few years!
In Magadan, I am also planning to meet with my friend Anatoly Vitalivich Subotin (Анатолий Суььотин).
I met Anatoly a few years ago in Anadyr while I was waiting for transport, for days, in a Kommunalka (коммуналка квартира) where he was also stationed.
Anatoly was in Anadyr with his crew to install and repair large cranes in the commercial port. We rapidly connected well and he mentioned at the time, that I should definitely contact him the day I should arrive in Magadan!
So, I called him a few days ago and he mentioned that besides wanting to welcome me upon landing in Magadan, he was also currently planning an expedition with his 4*4 vehicle from Magadan to Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky, via Paren!
This means that he will be going on MY ROUTE in opposite direction.
He is planning to start in Magadan at the end of February and has kindly offered me to get a ride with him to my starting point in Paren!
Of course, I would rather prefer to find an alternate option taking me to Paren earlier, which would allow me to start walking sooner, before the snow/ice starts melting rapidly!
Of course, I would rather prefer to find an alternate option taking me to Paren earlier, which would allow me to start walking sooner, before the snow/ice starts melting rapidly!
However, I may not have too many other otions on this remote trail besides his generous offer and therefore I will have to decide how to proceed next, after having landed in Magadan and talked to the local authorities.
In any event, it is good to know that he will be on the trail and logically, I will be able to run into him, unless of course, I missed him while travelling parallely in opposite direction, 2-3 miles away on a fogged snowed-out trail....
I recently DREAMT that a threatening huge bear, got up on his hind legs, trying to intimidate me in front of me while I was progressing on the trail...
Thankfully, I was able to scare it away, while shouting very loud.
I woke up from my dream and scribbled down immediately that I needed to acquire MORE FIREWORKS in Magadan to be able to deter post-hibernation bears this spring.
Indeed, as an unaccompanied foreigner in Russia, I am not allowed to carry any type of firearms and therefore need to look for alternative options such as US made bear spray and Russian local fireworks!
That's all for now & happy trails to all of you!
Dimitri in Moscow
That's all for now & happy trails to all of you!
Dimitri in Moscow
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