Circumnavigating the world through Human Power while connecting different societies, civilizations and landscapes.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Correction: Dimitri is actively pursuing assistance

Dimitri is awaiting rescue along the banks of a river near vayegi. His current location is 64 09.882'N, 172 19.337'E. He has tried to progress but found it very, very difficult. He was only able to travel 1.8 miles through the course of the day. He has had some kind of allergic reaction to the bear spray and has small cuts covering all his body which was effected, making travel and hauling of his gear that much more unpleasant and difficult. I guess the banks of the river are not very easy to traverse either and his only option along much of it has been to swim, which as you can imagine is not too easy with a dry suit and large backpack on, all the while dragging the sled along side himself.

The Mayor of Vayegi is going to try to retrieve him by boat tomorrow morning at 10 am his time. The only possible variable is whether or not the boat can make it up river to where he is. Hopefully there are no shallower sections down stream from him and the boat can make it. He is getting low on food and very eager to be out of there, so let's hope it works out!

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