Circumnavigating the world through Human Power while connecting different societies, civilizations and landscapes.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Nexus Expedition in the Arab Republic of Egypt (العَرَبِيَّة‎‎/English version)

Arab Republic of Egypt

٩سبتمبر ٢٠١٨

إلى مَن يَهمه الأمر
إننى ديمترى برنارد هنرى ميشيل كِيفِر مواطن فرنسى الجنسية ، وإننى فى منتصف رحلة بدأت من ألاسكا فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، للتجوال حول العالم باستعمال الطاقة الجسدية وحدها.
بدأت هذه الرحلة من مدينة أنكوراج فى ألاسكا، فى فبراير 2005، وتقدمت فيها بشكل متقطِّع، حسب قيود الحصول على التأشيرات المحلية والأحوال الجوية، وقطعتُ حتى الآن 24,215 كيلومتر (15,046 ميلا) من أنكوراج حتى العقبة فى الأردن، بادئ الأمر سَيرا على الأقدام فالسباحة فالتزلج فالتجديف، عبْرَ ألاسكا فمضيق بيرنج إلى تشوكوتكا فى روسيا، ثم استعملت الدراجة عبر الشرق الأقصى فى روسيا ومنغوليا والصين وكازاخستان وكيرغستان وطاجكسان وأوزبكستان وتركمانستان وإيران، ثم استعملت القارب المطاطى عبر مضيق هرمز من إيران إلى عُمان، فالدراجة عبر الإمارات العربية المتحدة، والمملكة العربية السعودية والأردن.

المرور بمصر
انوي الدخول الي مصر يوم١٣ سبتمبر ٢٠١٨ من خلال الحدود ايلات – إسرائيل توجهاً الي طابا – مصر
في مصر سوف اقود استخدم الدراجة لقطه حوالي ٢١٤٦ كيلومتر الي ان أصل للحدود السودانية في أرجين
بعد مصر سوف أكمل جنوب غربي في ساحل افريقيا الي ان يقطع المحيط الأطلنطي.
حالياً انا بقوم باستخراج فيزا المرور الي السودان والتي أتوقع استلامها في السفارة السودانية في اسوان.

يُعزز نادى الروَّاد Explorers Club الأمريكى فى نيويورك ويدعم تماما رحلتنا، كما إنه يتتبع تقدمها باهتمام كبير، وإليكم خطابا مرفقا من رئيس ذلك النادى.

لأستطيع إتمام رحلتي باستخدام القواعد الأساسية الي تحتم على استخدام الطاقة الجسدية فقط الرجاء السماح لي باستخدام الدراجة المشي في كل رحلتي في مصر ولا أضطر الي استخدام أي وسيلة انتقال بماتور في رحلتي في مصر

انا اعتذر أنى لا أستطيع التحدث بلغتكم ولكن اتمني ان نستطيع التفاهم في كل الأحوال..
اشكركم على ضيافتكم ومساعدتكم

ديمترى كِيفَر
نيكسوس إكسبيديشَن


September 9th 2019
To whom it may concerned:

My name is Dimitri Bernard Henri Michel Kieffer
I am a French citizen and I am currently in the midst of an expedition
originating from Alaska, USA, to circumnavigate the world using only human power.

Having started this expedition in Anchorage, Alaska, in February 2005, I am progressing intermittently, according to local visa restrictions and weather conditions.
I have so far covered 24,215 kilometers (15,046 miles) from Anchorage to Aqaba (Jordan).

At first, trekking, swimming, skiing and rowing across Alaska, the Bering Strait and Chukotka (Russia).
Then, cycling through Far Eastern Russia, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iran.
I then kayaked across the Strait of Hormuz from Iran to Oman and cycled further across the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Egypt crossing:
I plan to enter Egypt on September 13th through the border crossing of Eliat (Israel) – Taba (Egypt). 
In Egypt, I will  cycle approximatively 2146 kms, until I get to the Sudanese border in Argeen.

After Egypt, I will cycle towards the southwestern coast of Africa, where the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean will begin.

Concurrently I am working on my Sudanese visa (the next country after Egypt), which I am expecting to receive at the Sudanese consulate in Aswan.

The Explorers Club in New York, USA (   has fully endorsed and is supporting our expedition as well as following the expedition’s progress with great interest.
See the attached letter from the president of the club.

In order to comply with the established regulations of a human powered circumnavigation of the globe, I am requesting to be allowed to cycle or walk every single kilometer in Egypt and that I am not obligated to use any motorized vehicle while continuing my route through this country

I apologize that I am not able to better communicate in your language.

Hopefully, we will be able to understand each other nevertheless!
Thank you in advance for your hospitality and your kind support!

Dimitri Kieffer
Nexus Expedition

2 options across the Egyptian Sudanese border

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Nexus Expedition in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (العَرَبِيَّة‎‎/English version)

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Introduction to Nexus Expedition, written in December 2016


To whom it may concern amongst the authorities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan:

My name is Dimitri Bernard Kieffer
I am a French and American citizen and I am currently in the midst of a human powered expedition around the world which I started in Anchorage, Alaska, USA in February 2005, progressing intermittently, according to local visa restrictions and weather conditions.

I have so far covered 24,215 kilometers (15,046 miles) from Anchorage, Alaska to Tala Bay, Aqaba (Jordan).
At first, trekking, swimming, skiing and rowing across Alaska, the Bering Strait and Chukotka (Russia). Then cycling through Far Eastern Russia, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iran.
 I then kayaked across the Strait of Hormuz from Iran to Oman and cycled further across the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

I entered Jordan on February 26th 2017 through the border crossing of Haql (Saudi Arabia) - Durra (Jordan). 

In Jordan, I then cycled 13 kms, until I reached the resort of Tala Bay, Aqaba.

I am currently a guest of the Tala Bay Resort : “Jordan Bay Kept Secret!” 
   who is kindly welcoming me while I am working with the Egyptian authorities and Jordanian authorities to secure permissions to kayak across the Red Sea from Tala Bay, Jordan to Taba Heights, Egypt and being able to continue my human powered circumnavigation of the globe.

In this route, I will be following the “footsteps” of the 5 Egyptian kayakers  Nouran, Yara Shalaby, Sherif AbdelAzim, Charif Khedr, and Ahmed Nayer who were the first to kayak across the Red Sea from Tala Bay (Jordan) to Taba Heights in Egypt on September 23rd 2016.

More details on their successful crossing are available here:

My wife Gulnara Kieffer is going to start cycle with me again in Egypt and together we will progress towards the southwestern coast of Africa, where the row across the Atlantic Ocean will begin.
I apologize that I am not able to better communicate in your language.
Hopefully, we will be able to understand each other nevertheless!
Thank you in advance for your hospitality and your kind support!

Dimitri Bernard Kieffer
Nexus Expedition

Red Sea from Aqaba

Egypt landscape across the Red Sea from Tala Bay.

Tala Bay marina
Tala Bay promenade